Seminars and Events

BBC Seminar Series

Graduate students in the Biological and Medical Informatics Graduate Program, Biophysics Graduate Program, and Chemistry and Chemical Biology Graduate Program take advantage of a weekly seminar series that has in the past focused on molecular and cellular structure and interactions between molecules. Outstanding speakers from leading laboratories in the U.S. and abroad present, and students have the opportunity to meet with them on an informal basis over lunch.

Biophysics First Year Calendar

Biophysics Graduate Program Calendar

Biophysics Retreat

The Biophysics Graduate Program holds a one to two-day retreat off campus in San Francisco in the spring during which fourth-year students from both programs present their research.

BP 223: Research in Progress Talks

Biophysics students participate in weekly research in progress talks for their peers and mentors.

BP/CCB Pizza Talks

First-year students in the Biological and Medical Informatics Graduate Program, the Biophysics Graduate Program, and the Chemistry and Chemical Biology Graduate Program participate in a series of weekly presentations on research interests from basic science faculty. The purpose is to acquaint new graduate students with research projects and opportunities in faculty laboratories.

Distinguished Clements Award Seminar

In 1996, John Clements, one of the founding members of the Biophysics Graduate Program, endowed a biophysics thesis prize to be awarded to the biophysics graduate whose thesis represents the highest standards of scholarship filed during the academic year. The award carries a cash prize, and the recipient presents his or her research at the annual Clements Seminar.

Mel Jones Reception

The Mel Jones Research Fund honors the memory of Mel Jones by awarding excellence in graduate student research. Mel joined the Biochemistry Department in 1976 and took on the development of the macromolecular structure groups at UCSF in 1980. He was a tremendously creative scientist and developmental engineer and made many lasting contributions at the heart of the developments in structural biology at UCSF over 30 years. The award is presented to the student with the best research talk at the annual Biophysics program retreat. The award carries a cash prize, and the recipient presents his or her work at the annual Mel Jones reception.

Outreach Activities

Who is affiliated with what outreach.

QBC Graduate Program Retreat

The Biological and Medical Informatics Graduate Program, Biophysics Graduate Program, Chemistry and Chemical Biology Graduate Program, and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics Graduate Program hold an annual joint retreat in Monterey, California. The retreat spans two days and focuses on faculty research talks and a poster session. The retreat is typically held in December.

QBC Journal Club

First- and second-year students in the Biological and Medical Informatics Graduate Program, Biophysics Graduate Program, Chemistry and Chemical Biology Graduate Program, and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics Graduate Program participate in a weekly joint journal club. In the course of the year each student presents one journal article outside of his or her immediate study. These seminars are open to faculty members and other interested colleagues. This activity serves two purposes, both broadening the interests of students and giving them the opportunity for oral presentations.

Student-Run Initiatives

Programs and a seminar series run by students.

Undergraduate Summer Internships

An opportunity for students to sharpen their research skills and enhance their graduate applications.